Copy scanned info by iphone and paste it on your computer software.

Universal Clipboard Scan

Universal Clipboard Scan

Universal Clipboard is useful for this purpose when you use a certain model of iphone, Mac, and macOS.

  • Step 1. Install barcode scanner app that can copy scanned info (“QR Scanner”, “QR Reader”, “Qrafter” from App Store worked as of Sep 2018).
  • Step 2. Scan QR code (or any codes?) and copy decoded info.
  • Step 3. Paste the decoded into into your software in your computer (eg. Google Sheet, Excel, etc)
  • Step 4. After reading the spread sheet with R, you can separate letters by hyphen (“-”), underscore ("_"), or other separater that can be used in base::strsplit() or tidyr::separate(). For example,
## [[1]]
## [1] "Col"  "sun"  "rep1"
tibble(x=c("Col_sun_rep1","Col_shade_rep2")) %>% tidyr::separate(x,c("genotype","treatment","replicate"))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   genotype treatment replicate
##   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>    
## 1 Col      sun       rep1     
## 2 Col      shade     rep2

Amaizing and useful.


  1. Do you have frozen clipboard?
  2. Not working? Check if your devices are connected via bluethooth. It seems that WiFi network is not necessary.
  3. For Android devices, there seems possible solution. Even for all OS (I haven’t tested…)?