regenerative agriculture
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data analysis
Remote sensing 1.1: python -> Webhooks -> Google Sheet
Kazu Nozue
Since my Rasppberry pi 3 model 3 runs under Python, I would like to use Python in my computer to send some data to Google Sheet. Currently I am learning Python using To test Python I started to use Jupyter notebook, but switched to Jupyter notebook in Visual Studio Code…
Regenerative agriculture 3: my backyard trial
Kazu Nozue
I decided to test regenerative agriculture in my backyard, comparing two different crop plant mixes: California native plants vs California Habit Mix, following principals described in Helen Atthowe and Gave Brown. […] ** Chick Lupine, Lupinus microcarpus seedlings! […] ** contents…
regenerative agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture 2
Kazu Nozue
I have to mention an important book published this summer on regenerative agriculture, written by Helen Atthowe. titled The Ecological Farm. From a my favorite podcast on regenerative agriculture, called “Regenerative Agriculture Podcast” by John Kemp, host John Kemp interviewed Helen in the July…
regenerative agriculture
リジェネラティブ農業 1
Kazu Nozue
環境再生型(リジェネラティブ)農業(またはカーボンファーミング)は自分がが今まで探し求めてきたものです。35年前、私が大学生の頃、大学の図書館で「自然農法 わら一本の革命」(福岡正信)を何度も読んだのを思い出しました。それ以降、私は植物分子生物学を行い、最近ではデータ科学に踏み込んでいます。昨年、私が愛聴しているポッドキャストでリジェネラティブ農業が紹介されました。その中で紹介されていた”Dirt To Soil” (Gabe Brown, 2018)という本を読み、著者のGabe Brownは20年以上リジェネラティブ農業を実践していることを知りました。ポッドキャストを聴いたちょうど同時期に…
regenerative agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture 1
Kazu Nozue
Regenerative agriculture (or Carbon farming) is what I’ve been looking for. I remember that I read “The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming” by Masanobu Fukuoka (in Japanse) many times in a university library when I was undergraduate student (35 years ago!). Since then I’ve been…