Similar analysis was found in Guangchuang Yu bioconductor vignettes page.


load GOseq function

# download cDNA info directly from TAIR 
##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 27416
##         width seq                                      names               
##     ...   ... ...
# GOseq.Atgoslim.BP.list.ORA function
#This function is used to calculate GO ORA results multiple times.
## [1] "/Volumes/data_personal/Kazu_blog/content/post"
## $`18S RRNA`
## [1] "GO:0006412" "GO:0006412" "GO:0006412"
## $`25S RRNA`
## [1] "GO:0043043" "GO:0043043"
## $`5.8S RRNA`
## [1] "GO:0043043" "GO:0043043"
## $AAN
## [1] "GO:0007623"
## $AAR1
## [1] "GO:0006970" "GO:0006970" "GO:0040029"
## $AAR2
## [1] "GO:0009845" "GO:0040029"
GOseq.Atgoslim.BP.list.ORA<-function(genelist,padjust=0.05,ontology="BP",custom.category.list=Atgoslim.TAIR.BP.list,cdna=At_cdna) { # return GO enrichment table, padjus, padjust=0.05. 
  names(bias)<-tibble(AGI=names(cdna)) %>% separate(AGI,into="AGI2",pattern="|",extra="drop") %>% dplyr::select(AGI2) %>% as_vector()
  #TF<-(names(bias) %in% genelist)*1
  TF<-as.integer(names(bias) %in% genelist)
  GO.pval <- goseq(pwf,gene2cat=custom.category.list,use_genes_without_cat=TRUE) # format became different in new goseq version (021111). Does not work (042716)
  if(ontology=="BP") {
  } else if(ontology=="CC") {
  } else {
  # calculating padjust by BH  
  if(GO.pval2$over_represented_padjust[1]>padjust) return("no enriched GO")
  else {
    print("enriched.GO is")
    ## write Term and Definition 
    for(i in 1:dim(enriched.GO)[1]) {
      if(is.null(Term(GOTERM[enriched.GO[i,"category"]]))) {next} else {

Importing enrichment result table and have summary table: Table of DEGs (under construction)

# Ding (2018) Cell DEGs
list.files(path=file.path("2018-10-01-differential-expression-analysis-with-public-available-sequencing-data_files","output")) # finding files in different blogs did not work.. Did work this time... why?
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [1] "/Volumes/data_personal/Kazu_blog/content/post"
DEG.objs<-list.files(path=file.path("2018-09-27-over-representation-analysis-4-heatmap-visualization_files","output"),pattern="\\.csv$") # under construction
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
# read csv file
DEG.list<-lapply(DEG.objs, function(x) read_csv(paste(file.path("2018-09-27-over-representation-analysis-4-heatmap-visualization_files","output"),"/",x,sep="")))
## $
## # A tibble: 6,694 x 10
##    genes logFC.genotypen… logFC.genotypen… logCPM    LR    PValue       FDR
##    <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 AT2G…        -4.20               -0.720   6.69 1300. 5.30e-283 1.78e-278
##  2 AT5G…         3.26                0.530   4.76 1000. 5.96e-218 1.00e-213
##  3 AT1G…        -2.02               -0.475   7.19  629. 2.69e-137 3.01e-133
##  4 AT1G…        -2.26               -0.511   7.51  620. 2.83e-135 2.38e-131
##  5 AT3G…        -3.16                0.888   5.33  618. 5.42e-135 3.64e-131
##  6 AT5G…        -0.212              -6.72    3.89  607. 1.67e-132 9.35e-129
##  7 AT2G…         2.22                1.95    9.21  572. 7.80e-125 3.74e-121
##  8 AT5G…         1.82                1.83    9.40  570. 1.54e-124 6.46e-121
##  9 AT1G…        -3.65               -1.52    3.37  565. 1.92e-123 7.17e-120
## 10 AT5G…         0.000149           -7.96    3.77  546. 2.42e-119 8.12e-116
## # ... with 6,684 more rows, and 3 more variables: AGI <chr>,
## #   symbol2 <chr>, full_name <chr>
## $
## # A tibble: 846 x 10
##    genes logFC.genotypen… logFC.genotypen… logCPM    LR    PValue       FDR
##    <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 AT5G…             3.04            0.628   4.76  904. 5.00e-197 1.68e-192
##  2 AT3G…            -5.45           -0.183   1.98  459. 1.80e-100 3.03e- 96
##  3 AT5G…            -3.30            0.354   3.10  444. 4.51e- 97 5.05e- 93
##  4 AT1G…            -7.40           -3.70    2.00  432. 1.32e- 94 1.11e- 90
##  5 AT3G…            -2.97           -0.301   3.36  372. 1.83e- 81 1.23e- 77
##  6 AT1G…            -2.50            0.891   6.30  288. 2.54e- 63 1.42e- 59
##  7 AT2G…            -1.42           -0.703   6.69  277. 7.63e- 61 3.66e- 57
##  8 AT5G…            -3.04            0.434   4.19  211. 1.75e- 46 7.36e- 43
##  9 AT2G…            -1.10           -0.237   5.87  209. 5.09e- 46 1.90e- 42
## 10 AT5G…            -1.84           -0.489   2.78  187. 2.68e- 41 9.01e- 38
## # ... with 836 more rows, and 3 more variables: AGI <chr>, symbol2 <chr>,
## #   full_name <chr>
## $
## # A tibble: 7,811 x 9
##    genes  logFC logCPM    LR    PValue       FDR AGI   symbol2 full_name  
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <chr>      
##  1 AT5G1…  8.57   3.89  675. 7.55e-149 2.54e-144 AT5G… AT-HSP… heat shock…
##  2 AT1G0…  4.00   4.60  592. 7.94e-131 1.33e-126 AT1G… <NA>    <NA>       
##  3 AT5G2…  6.16   4.19  588. 5.77e-130 6.46e-126 AT5G… ATWRKY… ARABIDOPSI…
##  4 AT4G2…  3.85   5.39  586. 1.92e-129 1.59e-125 AT4G… CRK14   cysteine-r…
##  5 AT5G1…  9.64   3.77  586. 2.37e-129 1.59e-125 AT5G… HSP17.… 17.6 kDa c…
##  6 AT3G2…  4.92   3.36  546. 9.68e-121 5.42e-117 AT3G… <NA>    <NA>       
##  7 AT4G2…  3.34   6.70  539. 2.78e-119 1.33e-115 AT4G… SGT1A   <NA>       
##  8 AT5G2…  3.82   6.70  535. 2.42e-118 1.02e-114 AT5G… AtDMR6… NA;DOWNY M…
##  9 AT5G0…  4.14   7.14  523. 1.07e-115 3.98e-112 AT5G… AtHsp7… NA;NA      
## 10 AT1G2…  2.87   7.19  511. 3.43e-113 1.15e-109 AT1G… AtWAK1… NA;NA;cell…
## # ... with 7,801 more rows
# GOseq.Atgoslim.BP.list.ORA(genelist=genes.shade1h.up$AGI)

GO.ORA for each DEG list (loop)

# single coefficient
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
for(n in 3:3) {
  #genelist.up<-base::get(paste("../output/",DEG.objs.V1.5annotation.unique[n],sep="")) %>% rownames_to_column() %>%  dplyr::filter(logFC>0) # does not work
    genelist.up<-DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(logFC>0)
    genelist.down<-DEG.list[[n]] %>%  dplyr::filter(logFC<0)
# handling "no enriched GO" 
    # genelist.names<-c("GO.ORA.temp.up_down","GO.ORA.temp.down_up") # test
            GO.ORA.temp.down=GO.ORA.temp.down) # list
    x<-x[!x=="no enriched GO"] # reove "no enriched GO" result
    ## add sample info and FC info and save GO.ORA result
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      GO.ORA.result<-x[[i]] %>% mutate(FC = gsub("(GO.ORA.temp.)(.)","\\2",names(x)[i]),sample=DEG.objs[n])
## Warning in pcls(G): initial point very close to some inequality constraints
## [1] "enriched.GO is"
##        category over_represented_pvalue under_represented_pvalue
## 643  GO:0006952            1.127194e-34                1.0000000
## 624  GO:0006886            7.258753e-33                1.0000000
## 2259 GO:0042742            6.626442e-21                1.0000000
## 1225 GO:0010200            3.858737e-19                1.0000000
## 430  GO:0006468            3.007738e-17                1.0000000
## 626  GO:0006888            2.027405e-16                1.0000000
## 863  GO:0009408            8.132071e-16                1.0000000
## 1453 GO:0015031            1.469037e-15                1.0000000
## 1587 GO:0016192            1.650887e-13                1.0000000
## 1949 GO:0032482            4.969469e-13                1.0000000
## 628  GO:0006891            4.154328e-12                1.0000000
## 901  GO:0009611            7.570706e-12                1.0000000
## 984  GO:0009751            6.974160e-11                1.0000000
## 910  GO:0009626            1.312138e-10                1.0000000
## 2097 GO:0034605            1.472659e-10                1.0000000
## 905  GO:0009617            3.375985e-10                1.0000000
## 3272 GO:0080167            5.223324e-10                1.0000000
## 191  GO:0002237            8.378504e-10                1.0000000
## 717  GO:0007165            8.605229e-10                1.0000000
## 932  GO:0009651            1.039053e-09                1.0000000
## 2245 GO:0042542            4.435876e-09                1.0000000
## 627  GO:0006890            6.596583e-09                1.0000000
## 1014 GO:0009816            1.376798e-08                1.0000000
## 906  GO:0009620            1.712451e-08                1.0000000
## 851  GO:0009306            6.005123e-08                1.0000000
## 1837 GO:0030968            6.276610e-08                1.0000000
## 972  GO:0009737            7.520204e-08                1.0000000
## 675  GO:0007030            8.265301e-08                1.0000000
## 718  GO:0007166            9.044827e-08                1.0000000
## 2803 GO:0051259            1.299325e-07                1.0000000
## 973  GO:0009738            4.810860e-07                1.0000000
## 2871 GO:0051707            2.090818e-06                0.9999995
## 2591 GO:0046777            2.236596e-06                0.9999991
## 654  GO:0006986            2.438230e-06                0.9999998
## 3444 GO:1900150            6.399834e-06                0.9999993
## 3056 GO:0070973            8.359768e-06                0.9999996
## 868  GO:0009414            8.391875e-06                0.9999959
## 2693 GO:0048544            9.648966e-06                0.9999983
## 2450 GO:0045332            1.053543e-05                0.9999995
## 3191 GO:0072583            1.057949e-05                0.9999989
## 1015 GO:0009817            1.361175e-05                0.9999968
## 192  GO:0002238            1.484186e-05                0.9999987
## 1220 GO:0010193            1.562249e-05                0.9999972
## 1198 GO:0010150            1.702895e-05                0.9999937
## 2100 GO:0034620            1.733070e-05                0.9999979
## 429  GO:0006465            1.760197e-05                0.9999985
## 911  GO:0009627            1.774452e-05                0.9999956
## 448  GO:0006499            1.973024e-05                0.9999954
## 1870 GO:0031204            2.235051e-05                1.0000000
## 635  GO:0006904            2.831111e-05                0.9999936
## 1044 GO:0009863            3.189073e-05                0.9999955
## 862  GO:0009407            3.201744e-05                0.9999926
## 511  GO:0006616            3.545040e-05                0.9999976
## 426  GO:0006457            3.979662e-05                0.9999802
## 756  GO:0008219            4.780393e-05                0.9999880
## 925  GO:0009644            4.998914e-05                0.9999851
## 3254 GO:0080142            6.226918e-05                0.9999959
## 625  GO:0006887            6.885707e-05                0.9999810
## 1647 GO:0018105            8.127620e-05                0.9999718
## 903  GO:0009615            8.144403e-05                0.9999805
## 563  GO:0006749            8.501484e-05                0.9999771
## 3185 GO:0072334            8.701453e-05                0.9999978
## 59   GO:0000302            8.708749e-05                0.9999779
## 636  GO:0006906            9.447106e-05                0.9999786
## 2760 GO:0050829            9.815163e-05                0.9999858
## 2158 GO:0035556            9.845166e-05                0.9999520
## 1181 GO:0010112            1.187545e-04                0.9999892
## 651  GO:0006979            1.230762e-04                0.9999318
## 2885 GO:0051865            1.245660e-04                0.9999864
## 3107 GO:0071323            1.510425e-04                1.0000000
## 1043 GO:0009862            1.527420e-04                0.9999828
## 2626 GO:0048194            1.528899e-04                0.9999908
## 2202 GO:0042026            1.836214e-04                0.9999643
## 864  GO:0009409            2.019371e-04                0.9998822
## 679  GO:0007034            2.056534e-04                0.9999640
## 603  GO:0006839            2.267988e-04                0.9999409
## 2974 GO:0061025            2.845410e-04                0.9999373
## 1595 GO:0016310            2.987777e-04                0.9998090
## 1245 GO:0010224            3.068315e-04                0.9998946
## 2778 GO:0051085            3.451232e-04                0.9999110
## 2642 GO:0048278            3.840641e-04                0.9999261
## 1750 GO:0019722            4.127109e-04                0.9998973
## 2584 GO:0046686            4.432858e-04                0.9997292
## 38   GO:0000187            4.616590e-04                0.9999579
## 615  GO:0006874            4.684844e-04                0.9998825
## 2963 GO:0060866            5.252189e-04                0.9999699
## 2761 GO:0050832            5.600444e-04                0.9996520
## 3704 GO:2000022            5.601390e-04                0.9998749
## 2329 GO:0043207            5.966944e-04                1.0000000
## 1013 GO:0009814            6.379255e-04                0.9998552
## 2436 GO:0045087            6.607522e-04                0.9997520
## 504  GO:0006605            7.120692e-04                0.9999344
## 2247 GO:0042546            7.400827e-04                0.9997560
## 2901 GO:0052544            7.413370e-04                0.9998885
## 2458 GO:0045489            7.769621e-04                0.9998080
## 3457 GO:1900425            8.788298e-04                0.9999016
## 1875 GO:0031347            9.014185e-04                0.9996995
## 1777 GO:0023014            1.012589e-03                0.9996473
## 1189 GO:0010120            1.062200e-03                0.9998769
## 3458 GO:1900426            1.073764e-03                0.9998157
## 1853 GO:0031098            1.087543e-03                0.9996323
## 440  GO:0006486            1.167370e-03                0.9994398
## 2207 GO:0042147            1.196837e-03                0.9997222
## 1876 GO:0031348            1.370772e-03                0.9996884
## 189  GO:0002229            1.383542e-03                0.9996077
##      numDEInCat numInCat
## 643         228      620
## 624         112      237
## 2259        113      288
## 1225         64      136
## 430         235      774
## 626          47       93
## 863          66      157
## 1453         87      253
## 1587         54      132
## 1949         31       62
## 628          29       48
## 901          72      204
## 984          58      162
## 910          34       67
## 2097         30       58
## 905          45      111
## 3272         49      134
## 191          19       27
## 717         102      351
## 932         133      522
## 2245         30       68
## 627          21       36
## 1014         23       40
## 906          34       78
## 851          18       30
## 1837         13       17
## 972         105      409
## 675          22       42
## 718          24       46
## 2803         11       17
## 973          61      211
## 2871         23       56
## 2591         67      210
## 654          12       17
## 3444         12       19
## 3056          8       11
## 868          73      293
## 2693         17       31
## 2450         10       12
## 3191         12       18
## 1015         20       46
## 192          10       15
## 1220         15       31
## 1198         34      104
## 2100         12       20
## 429           9       15
## 911          20       51
## 448          19       45
## 1870          5        5
## 635          18       39
## 1044         12       22
## 862          17       46
## 511           8       12
## 426          58      231
## 756          19       44
## 925          22       64
## 3254          8       11
## 625          20       50
## 1647         27       74
## 903          17       39
## 563          18       52
## 3185          6        7
## 59           17       46
## 636          15       38
## 2760         11       20
## 2158         50      173
## 1181          8       13
## 651          67      291
## 2885          9       15
## 3107          5        5
## 1043          9       15
## 2626          8       10
## 2202         13       26
## 864          74      329
## 679          11       24
## 603          16       41
## 2974         13       31
## 1595        101      432
## 1245         22       65
## 2778         15       38
## 2642         11       25
## 1750         13       42
## 2584         79      341
## 38            7       11
## 615          15       32
## 2963          6        8
## 2761         76      477
## 3704         12       29
## 2329          3        3
## 1013         12       29
## 2436         23       69
## 504           6       11
## 2247         18       55
## 2901          9       16
## 2458         13       31
## 3457          7       12
## 1875         18       53
## 1777         19       56
## 1189          7       12
## 3458          9       18
## 1853         18       52
## 440          34      119
## 2207         11       28
## 1876         11       25
## 189          14       35
##                                                                            term
## 643                                                            defense response
## 624                                             intracellular protein transport
## 2259                                              defense response to bacterium
## 1225                                                         response to chitin
## 430                                                     protein phosphorylation
## 626                                      ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
## 863                                                            response to heat
## 1453                                                          protein transport
## 1587                                                 vesicle-mediated transport
## 1949                                            Rab protein signal transduction
## 628                                      intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
## 901                                                        response to wounding
## 984                                                  response to salicylic acid
## 910                                          plant-type hypersensitive response
## 2097                                                  cellular response to heat
## 905                                                       response to bacterium
## 3272                                                       response to karrikin
## 191                                    response to molecule of bacterial origin
## 717                                                         signal transduction
## 932                                                     response to salt stress
## 2245                                              response to hydrogen peroxide
## 627                          retrograde vesicle-mediated transport, Golgi to ER
## 1014                    defense response to bacterium, incompatible interaction
## 906                                                          response to fungus
## 851                                                           protein secretion
## 1837                            endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
## 972                                                   response to abscisic acid
## 675                                                          Golgi organization
## 718                                     cell surface receptor signaling pathway
## 2803                                            protein complex oligomerization
## 973                                   abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway
## 2871                                                 response to other organism
## 2591                                                protein autophosphorylation
## 654                                                response to unfolded protein
## 3444                                   regulation of defense response to fungus
## 3056                    protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum exit site
## 868                                               response to water deprivation
## 2693                                                      recognition of pollen
## 2450                                                 phospholipid translocation
## 3191                                             clathrin-dependent endocytosis
## 1015                       defense response to fungus, incompatible interaction
## 192                                       response to molecule of fungal origin
## 1220                                                          response to ozone
## 1198                                                            leaf senescence
## 2100                                      cellular response to unfolded protein
## 429                                                   signal peptide processing
## 911                                                systemic acquired resistance
## 448                                           N-terminal protein myristoylation
## 1870             posttranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation
## 635                                      vesicle docking involved in exocytosis
## 1044                                  salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway
## 862                                                     toxin catabolic process
## 511  SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane, translocation
## 426                                                             protein folding
## 756                                                                  cell death
## 925                                            response to high light intensity
## 3254                          regulation of salicylic acid biosynthetic process
## 625                                                                  exocytosis
## 1647                                            peptidyl-serine phosphorylation
## 903                                                           response to virus
## 563                                               glutathione metabolic process
## 3185                                      UDP-galactose transmembrane transport
## 59                                          response to reactive oxygen species
## 636                                                              vesicle fusion
## 2760                                defense response to Gram-negative bacterium
## 2158                                          intracellular signal transduction
## 1181                                 regulation of systemic acquired resistance
## 651                                                response to oxidative stress
## 2885                                                 protein autoubiquitination
## 3107                                                cellular response to chitin
## 1043    systemic acquired resistance, salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway
## 2626                                                      Golgi vesicle budding
## 2202                                                          protein refolding
## 864                                                            response to cold
## 679                                                          vacuolar transport
## 603                                                     mitochondrial transport
## 2974                                                            membrane fusion
## 1595                                                            phosphorylation
## 1245                                                           response to UV-B
## 2778                             chaperone cofactor-dependent protein refolding
## 2642                                                            vesicle docking
## 1750                                                 calcium-mediated signaling
## 2584                                                    response to cadmium ion
## 38                                                  activation of MAPK activity
## 615                                            cellular calcium ion homeostasis
## 2963                                                            leaf abscission
## 2761                                                 defense response to fungus
## 3704                     regulation of jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway
## 2329                                       response to external biotic stimulus
## 1013                                 defense response, incompatible interaction
## 2436                                                     innate immune response
## 504                                                           protein targeting
## 2247                                                       cell wall biogenesis
## 2901                        defense response by callose deposition in cell wall
## 2458                                                pectin biosynthetic process
## 3457                       negative regulation of defense response to bacterium
## 1875                                             regulation of defense response
## 1777                             signal transduction by protein phosphorylation
## 1189                                             camalexin biosynthetic process
## 3458                       positive regulation of defense response to bacterium
## 1853                          stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade
## 440                                                       protein glycosylation
## 2207                                    retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi
## 1876                                    negative regulation of defense response
## 189                                               defense response to oomycetes
##      ontology over_represented_padjust
## 643        BP             4.265301e-31
## 624        BP             1.373356e-29
## 2259       BP             8.358152e-18
## 1225       BP             3.650365e-16
## 430        BP             2.276256e-14
## 626        BP             1.278617e-13
## 863        BP             4.395965e-13
## 1453       BP             6.948544e-13
## 1587       BP             6.941063e-11
## 1949       BP             1.880447e-10
## 628        BP             1.429089e-09
## 901        BP             2.387296e-09
## 984        BP             2.030017e-08
## 910        BP             3.546523e-08
## 2097       BP             3.715029e-08
## 905        BP             7.984205e-08
## 3272       BP             1.162651e-07
## 191        BP             1.713799e-07
## 717        BP             1.713799e-07
## 932        BP             1.965887e-07
## 2245       BP             7.993026e-07
## 627        BP             1.134612e-06
## 1014       BP             2.265132e-06
## 906        BP             2.699965e-06
## 851        BP             9.089355e-06
## 1837       BP             9.134882e-06
## 972        BP             1.053943e-05
## 675        BP             1.116996e-05
## 718        BP             1.180194e-05
## 2803       BP             1.638882e-05
## 973        BP             5.872352e-05
## 2871       BP             2.472392e-04
## 2591       BP             2.564630e-04
## 654        BP             2.713606e-04
## 3444       BP             6.919135e-04
## 3056       BP             8.582393e-04
## 868        BP             8.582393e-04
## 2693       BP             9.608339e-04
## 2450       BP             1.000819e-03
## 3191       BP             1.000819e-03
## 1015       BP             1.256265e-03
## 192        BP             1.337181e-03
## 1220       BP             1.374779e-03
## 1198       BP             1.428623e-03
## 2100       BP             1.428623e-03
## 429        BP             1.428623e-03
## 911        BP             1.428623e-03
## 448        BP             1.555400e-03
## 1870       BP             1.726006e-03
## 635        BP             2.142585e-03
## 1044       BP             2.329885e-03
## 862        BP             2.329885e-03
## 511        BP             2.531025e-03
## 426        BP             2.788711e-03
## 756        BP             3.288910e-03
## 925        BP             3.377838e-03
## 3254       BP             4.133800e-03
## 625        BP             4.492330e-03
## 1647       BP             5.136403e-03
## 903        BP             5.136403e-03
## 563        BP             5.230779e-03
## 3185       BP             5.230779e-03
## 59         BP             5.230779e-03
## 636        BP             5.585601e-03
## 2760       BP             5.644562e-03
## 2158       BP             5.644562e-03
## 1181       BP             6.706971e-03
## 651        BP             6.831271e-03
## 2885       BP             6.831271e-03
## 3107       BP             8.035214e-03
## 1043       BP             8.035214e-03
## 2626       BP             8.035214e-03
## 2202       BP             9.518129e-03
## 864        BP             1.032608e-02
## 679        BP             1.037590e-02
## 603        BP             1.129219e-02
## 2974       BP             1.398316e-02
## 1595       BP             1.449455e-02
## 1245       BP             1.469684e-02
## 2778       BP             1.632433e-02
## 2642       BP             1.794196e-02
## 1750       BP             1.904510e-02
## 2584       BP             2.020956e-02
## 38         BP             2.079664e-02
## 615        BP             2.085582e-02
## 2963       BP             2.310963e-02
## 2761       BP             2.408598e-02
## 3704       BP             2.408598e-02
## 2329       BP             2.536957e-02
## 1013       BP             2.682122e-02
## 2436       BP             2.747567e-02
## 504        BP             2.928772e-02
## 2247       BP             2.984276e-02
## 2901       BP             2.984276e-02
## 2458       BP             3.094763e-02
## 3457       BP             3.464054e-02
## 1875       BP             3.516462e-02
## 1777       BP             3.909835e-02
## 1189       BP             4.059965e-02
## 3458       BP             4.063123e-02
## 1853       BP             4.074516e-02
## 440        BP             4.330714e-02
## 2207       BP             4.396922e-02
## 1876       BP             4.986022e-02
## 189        BP             4.986022e-02
## Warning in pcls(G): initial point very close to some inequality constraints

## [1] "enriched.GO is"
##        category over_represented_pvalue under_represented_pvalue
## 936  GO:0009658            1.421084e-23                1.0000000
## 1542 GO:0015979            4.134451e-23                1.0000000
## 870  GO:0009416            4.934159e-14                1.0000000
## 990  GO:0009768            1.601237e-13                1.0000000
## 3480 GO:1901259            2.967639e-12                1.0000000
## 1547 GO:0015995            6.409151e-10                1.0000000
## 993  GO:0009773            1.723458e-08                1.0000000
## 745  GO:0007623            4.511876e-08                1.0000000
## 926  GO:0009645            6.696258e-08                1.0000000
## 2278 GO:0042793            4.800680e-07                1.0000000
## 918  GO:0009637            5.268320e-07                0.9999999
## 1118 GO:0010027            1.246089e-06                0.9999997
## 1183 GO:0010114            3.999797e-06                0.9999990
## 864  GO:0009409            4.663120e-06                0.9999978
## 2426 GO:0045036            4.748080e-06                0.9999995
## 1270 GO:0010258            1.091101e-05                1.0000000
## 1678 GO:0019252            2.555344e-05                0.9999961
## 974  GO:0009739            4.714442e-05                0.9999824
## 989  GO:0009767            4.782966e-05                0.9999938
## 1232 GO:0010207            5.485926e-05                0.9999922
## 927  GO:0009646            6.023482e-05                0.9999870
## 215  GO:0005983            6.084207e-05                0.9999930
## 3141 GO:0071482            6.262228e-05                0.9999953
## 935  GO:0009657            6.663415e-05                0.9999950
## 3464 GO:1900865            7.848116e-05                0.9999939
## 1575 GO:0016120            8.238966e-05                0.9999979
## 1111 GO:0010020            9.437563e-05                0.9999856
## 925  GO:0009644            9.468408e-05                0.9999717
## 1257 GO:0010239            9.809432e-05                0.9999974
## 67   GO:0000373            1.030097e-04                0.9999867
## 2427 GO:0045037            1.547592e-04                0.9999781
## 991  GO:0009769            2.165699e-04                0.9999855
## 141  GO:0000967            2.272397e-04                0.9999943
## 1882 GO:0031425            2.569678e-04                0.9999737
## 668  GO:0007018            2.652535e-04                0.9999108
## 3465 GO:1900871            3.085897e-04                1.0000000
## 364  GO:0006353            3.581310e-04                0.9999688
## 1239 GO:0010218            4.028751e-04                0.9998846
## 1221 GO:0010196            4.447964e-04                0.9999657
##      numDEInCat numInCat
## 936          76      158
## 1542         63      137
## 870          73      210
## 990          19       24
## 3480         15       16
## 1547         22       37
## 993          12       17
## 745          36      100
## 926           9       10
## 2278          9       10
## 918          24       58
## 1118         21       49
## 1183         22       59
## 864          74      329
## 2426         12       20
## 1270          5        5
## 1678         13       25
## 974          30      112
## 989          10       21
## 1232         11       22
## 927          15       37
## 215          10       17
## 3141          8       12
## 935           8       12
## 3464          8       12
## 1575          6        7
## 1111         11       22
## 925          20       64
## 1257          6        7
## 67           10       18
## 2427         10       19
## 991           6       10
## 141           5        6
## 1882          8       13
## 668          22       62
## 3465          4        4
## 364           7       11
## 1239         16       48
## 1221          6       10
##                                                     term ontology
## 936                             chloroplast organization       BP
## 1542                                      photosynthesis       BP
## 870                           response to light stimulus       BP
## 990    photosynthesis, light harvesting in photosystem I       BP
## 3480                         chloroplast rRNA processing       BP
## 1547                    chlorophyll biosynthetic process       BP
## 993   photosynthetic electron transport in photosystem I       BP
## 745                                     circadian rhythm       BP
## 926             response to low light intensity stimulus       BP
## 2278                               plastid transcription       BP
## 918                               response to blue light       BP
## 1118                     thylakoid membrane organization       BP
## 1183                               response to red light       BP
## 864                                     response to cold       BP
## 2426                    protein targeting to chloroplast       BP
## 1270 NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone) assembly       BP
## 1678                         starch biosynthetic process       BP
## 974                              response to gibberellin       BP
## 989              photosynthetic electron transport chain       BP
## 1232                             photosystem II assembly       BP
## 927                         response to absence of light       BP
## 215                             starch catabolic process       BP
## 3141                 cellular response to light stimulus       BP
## 935                                 plastid organization       BP
## 3464                        chloroplast RNA modification       BP
## 1575                       carotene biosynthetic process       BP
## 1111                                 chloroplast fission       BP
## 925                     response to high light intensity       BP
## 1257                         chloroplast mRNA processing       BP
## 67                              Group II intron splicing       BP
## 2427              protein import into chloroplast stroma       BP
## 991   photosynthesis, light harvesting in photosystem II       BP
## 141                               rRNA 5'-end processing       BP
## 1882                          chloroplast RNA processing       BP
## 668                           microtubule-based movement       BP
## 3465                       chloroplast mRNA modification       BP
## 364             DNA-templated transcription, termination       BP
## 1239                           response to far red light       BP
## 1221                          nonphotochemical quenching       BP
##      over_represented_padjust
## 936              5.377382e-20
## 1542             7.822381e-20
## 870              6.223620e-11
## 990              1.514770e-10
## 3480             2.245909e-09
## 1547             4.042038e-07
## 993              9.316524e-06
## 745              2.134117e-05
## 926              2.815404e-05
## 2278             1.812302e-04
## 918              1.812302e-04
## 1118             3.929334e-04
## 1183             1.164249e-03
## 864              1.197782e-03
## 2426             1.197782e-03
## 1270             2.580453e-03
## 1678             5.687894e-03
## 974              9.525655e-03
## 989              9.525655e-03
## 1232             1.030273e-02
## 927              1.030273e-02
## 215              1.030273e-02
## 3141             1.030273e-02
## 935              1.050598e-02
## 3464             1.187891e-02
## 1575             1.199086e-02
## 1111             1.279588e-02
## 925              1.279588e-02
## 1257             1.279962e-02
## 67               1.299295e-02
## 2427             1.889061e-02
## 991              2.560939e-02
## 141              2.605682e-02
## 1882             2.859900e-02
## 668              2.867769e-02
## 3465             3.243620e-02
## 364              3.662615e-02
## 1239             4.011788e-02
## 1221             4.315666e-02

do separate analysis for double coefficient type

for(n in 1:2) {
  #genelist.up<-base::get(paste("../output/",DEG.objs.V1.5annotation.unique[n],sep="")) %>% rownames_to_column() %>%  dplyr::filter(logFC>0) # does not work
#     DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::select("logFC.genotypenpr1.1")
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::select(logFC.genotypenpr1.1)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::select(names(DEG.list[[n]])[2]) %>% filter(.>0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(names(DEG.list[[n]])[2]>0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(logFC.genotypenpr1.1>0) # does work
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter("logFC.genotypenpr1.1">0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(rlang::UQ("logFC.genotypenpr1.1")>0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(!!"logFC.genotypenpr1.1">0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(!!names(DEG.list[[n]])[2]>0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter((!!names(DEG.list[[n]])[2])==3.26)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter((!!names(DEG.list[[n]])[2])<0)
#         DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[2])))>0) # works! See
# DEG.list[[n]]  %>%  dplyr::filter(([[n]])[2]))>0)  # does not work
genelist.upup<-DEG.list[[n]] %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[2])))>0) %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[3])))>0)
    genelist.updown<-DEG.list[[n]] %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[2])))>0) %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[3])))<0)
        genelist.downup<-DEG.list[[n]] %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[2])))<0) %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[3])))>0)
    genelist.downdown<-  DEG.list[[n]] %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[2])))<0) %>% dplyr::filter((UQ([[n]])[3])))<0)
    # handling "no enriched GO" 
    # genelist.names<-c("GO.ORA.temp.up_down","GO.ORA.temp.down_up") # test
            GO.ORA.temp.down_down=GO.ORA.temp.down_down) # list
    print(x[x=="no enriched GO"])
    x<-x[!x=="no enriched GO"] # reove "no enriched GO" result
    ## add sample info and FC info and save GO.ORA result
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      GO.ORA.result<-x[[i]] %>% mutate(FC = gsub("(GO.ORA.temp.)(.)","\\2",names(x)[i]),sample=DEG.objs[n])

read GOseq result table

eGOseqs.list2<-sapply(file.path("2018-09-27-over-representation-analysis-4-heatmap-visualization_files","output",eGOseqs),function(x) mget(load(x))) # mget will return the value of the object(or objects) in a list. see
#head(eGOseqs.list2.summary) # make sure those are file names

Drawing heatmap

library(scales) # for mute in plot
## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     discard
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     col_factor
# eGOseqs.list2.summary (more than three genes in each KO)
# focused on only very significant GO terms
# how to cluster GO Ontology according to this pattern?
## using hclust to sort GO terms
sample.list<-unique(eGOseqs.list2.summary$sample_FC) # revised
# having x-label also used the x-label for df below
eGOseqs.list2.summary <- eGOseqs.list2.summary %>% mutate(sample=str_remove(sample,".csv")) %>% mutate(sample=str_remove(sample,"")) %>% unite(sample_FC,sample,FC)

# Making matrix for calculate hierarchical clustering of "over-representd_padjust" value using sperad
df<-eGOseqs.list2.summary %>% dplyr::select(category,sample_FC,over_represented_padjust) %>% spread(sample_FC,over_represented_padjust,-1)

df[df<1e-100]<-1e-100 # to avoid "Inf" after log10 transformation
df<- df %>% mutate_at(vars(2:11) ,.funs=function(x) -log10(x))
# df<- df %>% mutate_at(vars(2:11) ,.funs=-log10) # does not work
hc<-stats::hclust(dist(df2), "ave") # only numbers
##  [1] 18 51 53 41  5 35 10 52  2 23 25 47  3 30  1  4 31 55 22 39 24 33 14
## [24] 50 48  6  8 34 17 13 15  7 43  9 46 49 32 56 16 38 12 29 45 40 42 44
## [47] 21 37 26 36 27 54 20 28 11 19
# change term order using hclust() results
hc.tib2<-hc.tib %>% inner_join(eGOseqs.list2.summary[,c("category","term")],by="category") %>% distinct() %>% arrange(desc(order))
# To avoid gray color, add 1e-20 to smaller padjust value
# format x label
#eGOseqs.list2.summary <- eGOseqs.list2.summary  %>% mutate(sample2=str_replace(sample,"trt.density","trt_density")) %>%  separate(sample2,into=c("tissue","factor","DEGs","model","ref_density","ref_soil"),sep="\\.") %>% mutate(ref_soil=str_remove(ref_soil,"r")) %>% mutate(ref_density=str_remove(ref_density,"r"))  %>% unite(density_FC,ref_density,FC) # simplify elements in "density_FC" column for simpler x label in heatmap
# plot
  GOseq.plot<-ggplot(eGOseqs.list2.summary,aes(x=sample_FC,y=term)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=-log10(over_represented_padjust)),colour="black")  + scale_fill_gradient2(limit=c(0,50),low=muted("green"), high=muted("magenta")) # OK
GOseq.plot<-GOseq.plot+     theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=10,angle=90),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",colour="black"),
          axis.line=element_blank()) + labs(x="",y="",title="",fill="-log10\n pvalue")

# ggplot_build(GOseq.plot)

Session info

## R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] scales_1.0.0                bindrcpp_0.2.2             
##  [3] annotate_1.58.0             XML_3.98-1.16              
##  [5] GO.db_3.6.0                 AnnotationDbi_1.42.1       
##  [7] goseq_1.32.0                geneLenDataBase_1.16.0     
##  [9] BiasedUrn_1.07              ShortRead_1.38.0           
## [11] GenomicAlignments_1.16.0    SummarizedExperiment_1.10.1
## [13] DelayedArray_0.6.6          matrixStats_0.54.0         
## [15] Biobase_2.40.0              Rsamtools_1.32.3           
## [17] GenomicRanges_1.32.7        GenomeInfoDb_1.16.0        
## [19] Biostrings_2.48.0           XVector_0.20.0             
## [21] IRanges_2.14.12             S4Vectors_0.18.3           
## [23] BiocParallel_1.14.2         BiocGenerics_0.26.0        
## [25] forcats_0.3.0               stringr_1.3.1              
## [27] dplyr_0.7.7                 purrr_0.2.5                
## [29] readr_1.1.1                 tidyr_0.8.2                
## [31] tibble_1.4.2                ggplot2_3.1.0              
## [33] tidyverse_1.2.1            
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] nlme_3.1-137           bitops_1.0-6           lubridate_1.7.4       
##  [4] bit64_0.9-7            progress_1.2.0         RColorBrewer_1.1-2    
##  [7] httr_1.3.1             rprojroot_1.3-2        tools_3.5.1           
## [10] backports_1.1.2        utf8_1.1.4             R6_2.3.0              
## [13] mgcv_1.8-25            DBI_1.0.0              lazyeval_0.2.1        
## [16] colorspace_1.3-2       withr_2.1.2            prettyunits_1.0.2     
## [19] tidyselect_0.2.5       bit_1.1-14             compiler_3.5.1        
## [22] cli_1.0.1              rvest_0.3.2            xml2_1.2.0            
## [25] labeling_0.3           rtracklayer_1.40.6     bookdown_0.7          
## [28] digest_0.6.18          rmarkdown_1.10         pkgconfig_2.0.2       
## [31] htmltools_0.3.6        rlang_0.3.0.1          readxl_1.1.0          
## [34] rstudioapi_0.8         RSQLite_2.1.1          bindr_0.1.1           
## [37] hwriter_1.3.2          jsonlite_1.5           RCurl_1.95-4.11       
## [40] magrittr_1.5           GenomeInfoDbData_1.1.0 Matrix_1.2-15         
## [43] fansi_0.4.0            Rcpp_0.12.19           munsell_0.5.0         
## [46] stringi_1.2.4          yaml_2.2.0             zlibbioc_1.26.0       
## [49] plyr_1.8.4             grid_3.5.1             blob_1.1.1            
## [52] crayon_1.3.4           lattice_0.20-35        haven_1.1.2           
## [55] GenomicFeatures_1.32.3 hms_0.4.2              knitr_1.20            
## [58] pillar_1.3.0           biomaRt_2.36.1         glue_1.3.0            
## [61] evaluate_0.12          blogdown_0.9           latticeExtra_0.6-28   
## [64] modelr_0.1.2           cellranger_1.1.0       gtable_0.2.0          
## [67] assertthat_0.2.0       xfun_0.4               xtable_1.8-3          
## [70] broom_0.5.0            memoise_1.1.0